Employees and Employers

Reliable Corporate Transportation & Employee Shuttle Services

Employee Shuttle Programs for Lee & Ogle Counties

By offering corporate transportation services, including an employee shuttle, for employees and employers, you’re taking the first step toward improving your company’s benefits package and employee retention and recruitment efforts.

RMTD’s corporate transportation services include an employee shuttle program available to businesses in Lee and Ogle Counties. Our drivers provide curb-to-curb transportation for your employees who need help getting to and from the workplace for each of their shifts.

RMTD provides reliable employee shuttle services to get to work safely and on time.

What is curb-to-curb transportation?

Curb-to-curb transportation means our driver picks up your employee at their home or desired location and delivers them to your building: No waiting at cold bus stops or leaving their car at a commuter lot. 

Why provide transportation services for your workforce?

“Employees are desperate for better commutes and prepared to take extreme measures to achieve quicker, easier and less expensive ways of getting to work. Twenty-three percent of workers in the U.S. have quit a job because of a tough commute, a Robert Half survey reported, while 85 percent would be willing to take a pay cut in exchange for a shorter commute.” – SHRM, “Commuter Benefits Are an Investment in Employees.”

Offering a commuter benefit plan is one way that employers can help.

Benefits of an employee shuttle program

  • Attracting and retaining workers: Employers across the country are finding it almost impossible to find qualified applicants. Providing transportation gives you a competitive edge. 
  • Provide employment opportunities for single car / no car families: Over 25% of American families have only one or no cars. Many of them think their only work option is to work from home. By providing transportation, you open up employment opportunities to an entirely different population. 
  • Reduce automotive expenses for employees: The cost for commuting is estimated at $3,000 – $5,000. Offering a service that puts money back in the pockets of your employees will make you stand out from the competition. 
  • Reduces parking needs: Reduce the number of cars in the lot and provide better parking for the staff not currently utilizing a ride with RMTD.  
  • Helping support public transit: RMTD provides rides to seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, and the transportation challenged. Corporate ride partners help support rides for people in our community who need them the most.  
  • Conserve energy, reduce carbon emissions, and help the environment: If sustainability is part of your business plan, or if you’re just someone who cares about the environment, shared rides and reduced carbon emissions are great ways to create a healthier environment. 
  • Developing your corporate reputation as an environmentally- and worker-friendly company: Corporations that offer alternative methods of transportation are good community leaders and environmental stewards.  More employees, particularly younger ones, are looking closely at potential employers’ commitment to the environment. Showing you care about staff has always been important!  

How does it work?

Your employee calls RMTD at 815.288.2117 or 888.239.9228 and let us know when, where, and on what days they would like to be driven.

We ask that the employee call and let us know if / when they have time off or are sick and cancel their ride. 

Transportation is available Monday through Friday 6:00 am to 6:00 pm with the exception of observed holidays.

We will provide informative material for each of your employees, posters for you to hang in the break room or other public areas, and design and prepare an email for you to send out explaining this benefit to your employees. We can also provide a tear sheet for you to include in your paychecks. 

If you are using a recruiting agency, please let us know, and we will make sure they have been informed that you are offering this benefit to employees. This should open the door to a wider pool of applicants. 


Who pays for the service? Self Pay vs. Employee Pay

Many employers provide free rides to and from work as a benefit to their employees. They find that the cost of our services, particularly with our corporate discounts, are worth far more than the cost of service.

We can work with your organization to provide rides at your expense, the employee’s expense, or a shared cost. Either way, your employee transportation costs are going to be a fraction of what they were before partnering with RMTD!

What happens if our employee has an emergency?

The fear of not being able to get home in the event of an emergency is a major reason why many employees are reluctant to travel to work in anything other than their own car. But Emergency Ride Home (ERH) programs can assuage these fears, providing peace of mind and reassuring commuters that, if needed, a ride home will be available. RMTD will provide an ERH, also known as a Guaranteed Ride Home, to employees who have a family emergency or unexpectedly need to work late.

Employee & Employer Registration Form

Workplace Address(Required)
Home Address(Required)
Please be specific, including the day of the week and the time for both pick up from your home for a ride to work and the time you’d like to be picked up from your workplace to be delivered home.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

“When we learned about RMTD (formally LOTS) corporate transportation service, it was an easy decision for Crest Foods; this was a benefit we wanted to offer our staff. We know that the cost of owning and maintaining a vehicle can be a challenge for a lot of families and curb-to-curb service picks our employees up at their homes and delivers them right to our front door. We’ve seen a significant reduction in lateness and days off due to unpredictable automotive issues. Our employees are able to put a lot more of their paychecks into savings because they are not paying for gas, oil changes and automotive maintenance.

We offer this as a benefit to our employees and we think the benefits of this service have far outweighed the cost, we believe it supporting the needs of our employees. It’s the way that we do business.”

Jeff Meiners, President Crest Foods